Friday, September 23, 2011

ADVENTURE COMICS Featuring SUPERBOY #1 by Jordan Gibson

Jordan Gibson is a freelance artist and a contributor at Project:Rooftop ( To find more of his work, check out 

Jordan says: I figured the next step for Connor would be to join the Legion of Superheroes with Krypto in tow, though I wouldn't feature them in every issue. I want to get back to the old Adventure Comics, where Superboy and Krypto can basically go anywhere in space and time to have a crazy, fun adventure! For his new costume, I tried to combine his original 90s costume with the sensibility of the Legion cartoon, while still letting him keep his t-shirt.

Superboy (Kon-El) was created by Karl Kesell and Tom Grummett. Read more...


  1. I love that idea and I love the understated design of the Adventure Comics logo too. Lovely.

    Would read? I wish I could, but I don't live on Earth-2.
